Simple cover with benefits
Get essential in-hospital cover, basic chronic, wellness and supplementary benefits, as well as basic day-to-day benefits.

Day-to-day Benefits
  • Primary healthcare benefits via Universal Healthcare Network Provider.
  • Annual Flexi Benefit (AFB), subject to R7 740 per beneficiary per benefit year and R12 900 per family per benefit year.
  • Annual Flexi Benefit (AFB) for pathology, radiology, optometry, psychology and auxiliary services.
  • GP consultations.
  • Basic dentistry.
  • Prescribed (acute) Medicines.
  • Specialists consultations.
  • Specified procedures in doctors rooms.
Managed Care Benefits

The Old Mutual Staff Medical Aid Fund aims to identify and manage beneficiaries’ disease risks. The Fund has a number of programmes that form part of the Managed Care approach.

    • Back and Neck Rehabilitation Programme.
    • Oncology Benefit Management Programme.
    • HIV and AIDS Management Programme.
    • Mental Health Programme.
    • Active Disease Risk Management Programme.
    • Mother and Baby Care Programme.
Hospital Benefits

Overall Annual Limit (OAL): R1 000 000 per beneficiary per benefit year (subject to certain sub-limits).

    • UNLIMITED Prescribed Minimum Benefits (PMB).
    • Certain elective procedures, including hip, knee, shoulder and elbow replacements, are not covered, other than in accordance with Prescribed Minimum Benefits.
    • Quro Medical – Hospital at Home.
Supplementary Benefits
  • Specialised Radiology R17 900 pfpa (co-payment of R1 500 per scan for non-PMB’s).
  • Utrasound scans (non-pregnancy) R6 080 pfpa.
  • Antenatal visit: 8 visits per pregnancy, paid at MSR.
  • Antenatal classes: R1 620 pfpa.
  • Antenatal vitamins as per the approved list and prescription, subject to registration on the Mother and Baby Programme.
Maternity Benefits
  • All pregnant beneficiaries have to register on the Mother and Baby Care Programme.
  • Antenatal classes: R1 620 per family per benefit year.
  • Antenatal visits: 8 visits per pregnancy, paid at MSR.
  • Ultrasound scans (pregnancy): Two 2-D scans per beneficiary.
  • Out-of-hospital pathology tests (pregnancy): R3 150 per family per benefit year.
  • Antenatal vitamins: 100% of MMAP or Medicine Price, whichever is the lesser, subject to the prescription from an approved list and included in the Hospital Benefit.
  • A Doula (birthing coach): as part of the in-hospital maternity benefit, subject to a limit of R3 030 per pregnancy, specifically for the confinement (delivery).
Chronic Benefits

(Medicine formularly applies.)

    • 27 PMB chronic conditions PLUS 10 additional DTP chronic conditions.
    • Additional 6 non-PMB chronic conditions managed by your network GP.
Wellness Benefits
  • Pharmacy-based health-screening tests: Blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, HIV/AIDS, BMI. One of each screening test per beneficiary per benefit year.
  • Pharmacy-based vaccines: One flu vaccine per beneficiary per benefit year, one pneumococcal vaccine per lifetime.
  • Contraceptive benefit: R3 780 per beneficiary per benefit year. R2 370 sub-limit for oral contraceptives.
  • Non-pharmacy based benefits:
  • *NEW! One consultation per beneficiary per benefit year with a GP paid at 100% of MSR or a Gynaecologist or a Urologist or a Dermatologist paid at 200% of MSR from the Wellness benefit for any of the following non-pharmacy screenings benefits:
  • One Pap smear, Mammogram, Syphilis and Chlamydia infection screening, limited to 1 test per female beneficiary, including consultation with a Gynaecologist or General Practitioner. (Please note for the Pap smear, Mammogram and Syphilis and Chlamydia screening, only one Gynaecologist consultation per benefit year will be funded from the Screening Benefit.)
  • One prostate specific antigen test per male beneficiary.
  • Colorectal screening, limited to one test per beneficiary per benefit year.
  • One health risk assessment per beneficiary per benefit year for services rendered by a registered healthcare practitioner (such as a General Practitioner). It is very important that your service provider uses the correct ICD-10 code to claim for these benefits.
  • Nutritional assessment and healthy eating plan – Access to Universal network of dieticians for annual assessment, healthy eating plan prescription and regular monitoring.
  • Childhood immunisations – Applicable for children up to the age of 12 years, as per recommendation of the Department of Health.
  • Pre-school eye and hearing screening – For children aged 5 and 6.
  • Hearing screening for newborns up to six weeks.
  • PAED-IQ’s Babyline: A 24/7, paediatric telephone service, whereby parents or caregivers of children from birth to three years of age registered on the Fund can phone in and get up-to-date child healthcare advice and reassurance.
  • COVID-19 Benefit Package: Any beneficiary who tested positive for COVID-19 will be able to access the following: Pulse oximeter, Nebuliser, Oxygenator, Thermometer, 2 GP consultations and Chest physiotherapy. Pre-authorisation and managed care protocols apply.
  • Dental caries (prevention and oral fluoride supplementation): limited to beneficiaries up to age 6 years, subject to Managed Care Protocols, including oral-hygienist consultation.
  • COVID-19 Vaccine: Vaccinations for all eligible beneficiaries in accordance with the Department of Health recommendation.
  • Dermatologist Consultation – limited to 1 consultation for cancer screening per beneficiary every 2 years, for beneficiaries 35-years and older.
  • Bone Density Scan – limited to 1 bone density scan per beneficiary, per annum.
  • Over-the-Counter medication available at your Universal Healthcare Pharmacy Network, subject to Network formulary, MMAP and limited to R400 per family and R110 per event.
  • *NEW! HPV vaccine has been extended to all females up to the age of 26 years.

  • NOTE: Please ask the General Practitioner, Gynaecologist or Urologist (whichever is applicable) to submit the wellness consultation claim using the following primary ICD-10 code: Z00.0. If this code is not used, the benefit will be paid from your available Day-to-Day Benefit.

What are my monthly contributions?

Network and Network SELECT Plan

A value-for-money Plan that offers Hospital benefits, Primary Care Benefits at a Network Provider, Wellness Screenings, and an enhanced benefit to manage chronic conditions, among others, all at an affordable rate for those in lower income groups. The non-PMB chronic conditions were reduced and are now aligned to the Hospital Plan. Only mental-health related conditions are covered.

Simple cover with benefits at a lower cost
Get all the cover of Network for a more cost-effective monthly contribution, based on a restriction to select hospital providers.

Ready to make a decision?

Download and email your completed form to or call 0860 100 076 for assistance.

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