The Old Mutual Staff Medical Aid Fund

The Old Mutual Staff Medical Aid Fund (OMSMAF) offers its members a choice of seven different plans to suit individual budgets and meet every healthcare need, ranging from comprehensive options to straightforward hospital plans.

The Old Mutual Staff Medical Aid Fund (OMSMAF), referred to as “the Fund”, was registered as a medical scheme in terms of Section 24(1) of the Medical Schemes Act 1998 with effect from 13 February 1969.

The Fund is registered as a restricted, closed medical scheme, with membership available only to Old Mutual employees and their dependants. It currently has approximately 29 000 lives under its care.

The Fund is managed by the Board of Trustees that consists of ten members. The appointed administrator and managed care provider is Universal Healthcare (Pty) Ltd, effective 1 July 2019.

The Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees consists of five members appointed by Old Mutual and five member-elected Trustees. The Trustees are responsible for the proper and sound management of the Fund in terms of the Medical Schemes Act and Regulations, other legislation and the Rules of the Fund. This also includes the following committees:

  • The Audit Committee
  • The Clinical Risk and Ex-Gratia Committee
  • The Remuneration and Nomination Committe
  • The Working Committee
  • The Benefits Review Committee
  • The Investment Committee
  • The Risk and Governance Committee
  • The Marketing and Communications Committee

The Principal Officer

The Principal Officer (Pamela Botha) is the Executive Officer of the Fund, who must ensure that the decisions and instructions of the Board of Trustees are carried out in line with current legislation.

The Principal Officer also ensures there is a healthy working relationship between the Fund, Old Mutual and Universal Healthcare.

2024 Annual General Meeting
(AGM) Downloads

OMSMAF AGM Booklet 2024

OMSMAF AGM Proxy Form 2024

Annual Financial Statements

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