Roadshow and Year-End Schedules

Here is where you find everything you need to know about the changes for the 2025/26 benefit year.

How to book a One-on-One session, when the Roadshows are scheduled and the links.


Here are some of our roadshow videos.

Roadshow Mailers

OMSMAF Roadshow Mailers in downloadable PDF format.

2024 Annual Roadshow Mailer

2023 Roadshow Mailer 1

2023 Roadshow Mailer 2

2023 Roadshow Mailer 3

2023 Roadshow Mailer 4

2023 Roadshow Mailer 5

2023 Roadshow Mailer 6

Roadshow Schedule and Links

OMSMAF Roadshow Schedule in downloadable PDF format.

Roadshow Schedule

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