Mother and Baby Care Programme

This Programme is available to members and their dependants during their pregnancy, the birth and after the birth.

The following services are covered:

  • 100% of the SPNP rate for midwives (for midwife delivery or home delivery).
  • Education and support services.
  • Care after the birth services, e.g. home visits by a registered nurse and phototherapy treatment for your baby at home, if required, subject to managed healthcare protocols and pre-authorisation.
  • A Doula (birthing coach) on all the options as part of the in-hospital maternity benefits, subject to a limit of R3 030 per pregnancy, specifically for the confinement (delivery).
  • No post-natal follow-ups.

Contact details for the Mother and Baby Care Programme:

  • Telephone: 0860 100 076 (Follow the voice prompts.)
  • Fax: 0862 957 355
  • Email:

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