Experience Simpler, Faster and More Convenient

The new member app for OMSMAF members was launched earlier this year. The app provides you with a user-friendly experience while navigating your medical fund membership profile.

Here’s how to download the new Universal.one member app for OMSMAF members:

Start by simply downloading the Universal.one app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and follow the prompts to install.

Open the Universal.one app and register with your OMSMAF membership number and dependant code, which you can obtain from your OMSMAF monthly statement, the OMSMAF member portal, your current membership card or you may call the Call Centre to obtain the details.

You can now access the Universal.one app on your Huawei mobile device.

Go to the OMSMAF website on your device.

Click here and then click Download.

Click on Allow (allow browser to install app).

Click on Install.

Click on Open.

Follow the prompts to register or log in.

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