Taking mental strain?

OMSMAF is here for you

As we head into the final stretch of what has by all accounts been another tough year, we wish to take this opportunity to remind you that as a member of OMSMAF, you have access to a mental health benefit. So, if it feels like you are battling to keep your head above water remember, help is at hand.


In fact, you may have noticed that OMSMAF is currently running a special campaign as the year draws to a close, in recognition of Men’s Health Month but with a particular focus on mental wellbeing. It is a sad truth that societal expectations, such as the idea that “boys don’t cry” have led many men to feel like they are not able to speak out and ask for mental help when they need it. This has resulted in alarming suicide rates among men in South Africa compared to women, as you may have read in recent communications from the Fund.

The time has come to break the silence and we at OMSMAF want all members who are struggling with their mental health to know that they are not alone. The Fund is here to assist.

Access your benefit

Act now by calling OMSMAF today on 0860 100 076 and select the mental health benefit option, which gives you access to mental health practitioners and medication to help address issues such as depression, general anxiety, bipolar mood disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and others.

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