And so is your future self

Beach season aside, your body is the only one you’ll ever have, so it just makes sense to take good care of it, right?

Did you know that as an OMSMAF member, you have access to a nutrition benefit, no matter which plan you have selected, to help you get your body on track? As the medical scheme you have entrusted with your health, we want you to feel the full range of benefits that a firm nutritional foundation can provide – not only for the summer season but well beyond.


Not sure how to access your nutrition benefit? No problem – simply call our contact centre on 0860 100 076  and follow the prompts to register. Once you have activated this benefit, you have access to a nutritional assessment with a registered dietitian who will help you to create a personalised eating plan that takes your particular needs into account, followed up with regular monitoring to help you stay on track. Now that’s what you call sweet potatoes!

Activate your nutrition benefit now – your future self will thank you!

New OMSMAF Over-The-Counter Benefit:

Did you know that a new OTC benefit was added to the Network and Network SELECT plans earlier this year? This benefit is available at your Universal Healthcare Network Pharmacy, subject to the Network Medicine formulary, MMAP (Maximum Medical Aid Price), with a limit of R100 per healthcare event and a maximum of R300 per family per benefit year.


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