Berry Smoothie

You’ll want to keep Little Sunny Kitchen’s berrylicious smoothie recipe on repeat in the coming months. Taking no more than five minutes to whizz together, this quick, easy, and totally delicious smoothie packs a powerful nutrition punch to help you get through the morning, giving your breakfast routine a real boost on busy days.


1 cup Greek yogurt

1 cup liquid of choice, such as dairy or non-dairy milk 

1 ½ cups mixed frozen berries

1 banana 

1 tablespoon honey

2 tablespoons oats


  1. To your blender jug, add frozen berries, banana, yoghurt, oats, and liquid of choice. Blend until smooth, add more liquid if needed and blend again.
  2. Taste the smoothie, add as much honey as you’d like, and quickly blend again.
  3. Pour into glasses and garnish with fresh berries if desired.



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