Rotisserie chicken caesar salad

Whip up this delicious salad packed with healthy ingredients from without having to cook a single thing for those hotter days and load shedding moments…



2 tbsp Caesar dressing mix

2 tbsp mayonnaise or Greek yogurt

1 tbsp lemon juice

14 cup olive oil

14 cup milk, your choice



1 can (14 oz/398 ml) unsalted chickpeas

1 tsp Caesar dressing mix

8 – 10 cups chopped romaine or kale, or a mix

2 cups rotisserie chicken, shredded

2 cups corn, fresh or frozen

Toppings (optional): grated Parmesan cheese



  1. For dressing, in a bowl, whisk together dressing mix with mayonnaise and lemon juice. Whisk in olive oil, then milk.
  2. For the salad, drain and rinse chickpeas. Place in a large bowl; toss with 1 tsp dressing mix. Add romaine, chicken and corn. Drizzle with half the dressing; gently toss to mix. Taste and add more dressing if needed. Add toppings if desired.

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