Unveiling the wonders of the human body

Want to know how you fared? Keep reading …

  1. How many bones are there in the adult human body?

Correct answer: b) 206

  1. Which of the following is responsible for regulating metabolism?

Correct answer: a) Thyroid gland

  1. What is the recommended daily intake of water for an average adult?

Correct answer: b) 2 litres

  1. Which nutrient is essential for the formation and repair of body tissues?

Correct answer: b) Proteins

  1. What is the leading cause of blindness in adults worldwide?

Correct answer: c) Macular degeneration

  1. Which lifestyle factor is a significant contributor to heart disease?

Correct answer: c) Smoking

  1. Approximately what percentage of the world’s population is affected by mental health disorders?

Correct answer: c) 25%

  1. Which neurotransmitter is often associated with feelings of happiness and wellbeing?

Correct answer: b) Dopamine

  1. How fast can a sneeze travel?

Correct answer: d) 160 kilometres per hour

  1. What is the approximate length of the small intestine in an adult?

Correct answer: c) 7.5 meters

What your score tells you…

0-4 correct: Time for a health check-up!

5-8 correct: You’re on the right track!

9-11 correct: Health champion!


Remember, taking care of your body is a lifelong journey. Stay informed, stay healthy!

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