A prescription for exercise on the Traditional Plans?

Traditional Plan members – this one’s for you 

Yes, this is a real thing. At OMSMAF, we want to give you every opportunity to achieve your optimum health and wellness, which is why we offer an attractive Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription benefit.

So, what does the benefit entail? It consists of an initial fitness assessment with a registered, contracted biokineticist with compulsory monthly follow-ups to help keep you on track. During the initial assessment, you will receive a personalised exercise programme with access to a fully accredited fitness facility where you will fulfil the prescribed programme on an ongoing basis. Accredited fitness facilities include the practice of your biokineticist, Virgin Active, Planet Fitness, Ignite Fitness and others.

It is well worth noting that this exceptional benefit is paid from your screening benefit, so it will not affect your day-to-day savings or Primary Care Benefit whatsoever.

This benefit is available to members of the Traditional and Traditional Plus (including SELECT) Plans through the Universal Healthcare provider network, so if you are thinking about upping your fitness game then be sure to consider upgrading your plan before the new benefit year on 1 April 2023.

As a member of the Traditional or Traditional Plus (including SELECT) Plans, all you need to do to enjoy the benefits of your very own personalised fitness programme is to follow these three easy steps:

  1. Obtain pre-authorisation to access this benefit by calling OMSMAF on 0860 100 076, select option 1, then again option 1, which will take you to a client services consultant who will be able to register you on the Fitness and Exercise Prescription Benefit.
  2. The client services consultant will provide you with a pre-authorisation number, as well as the contact details of a provider near you.
  3. Thereafter you can contact the biokineticist to set up an appointment for your initial assessment.

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