In the busy, digital era in which we live, it’s good to get to know the people involved in the most important aspects of your life, such as your medical scheme.

This quarter it gives us great pleasure to introduce you to Tags Moodley, an Old Mutual Wealth Business Development Executive and one of the dedicated trustees of OMSMAF. Tags’ qualifications certainly make him up to the task of safeguarding member interests at all times, and include a Bachelor of Commerce, a Master of Business Administration and a Global Executive programme completed at the London Business School.


Old Mutual Wealth Business Development Executive and one of the dedicated trustees of OMSMAF

Tags is also a family man through and through and adores his wife, Chantal and their two beautiful daughters, fifteen year old Angeline and Alexi who is three. The family lives in Cape Town, where they relocated just months before the first lockdown and are now settled and loving life in the Mother City.

When he’s not spending quality time with his three favourite people Tags can be found teaching himself the electric guitar with YouTube tutorials or watching Formula 1. He is a self-proclaimed petrolhead, a lover of cars and a huge Lewis Hamilton fan.

Tags’ promise as an OMSMAF trustee is to always challenge the status quo, to be the voice of our members and to deliver nothing less than the world class service members deserve.

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