Many of you may already be familiar with the name Garth Wilson. This retired Mutualite has recently been elected as a trustee for the second time in our member elections, so valuable has his input been to the Fund. Garth also served as sub-committee chairperson since 2020, and we are delighted to welcome him back to the Board of Trustees.
Garth first joined Old Mutual in 1979 as a computer programmer and went on to become Deputy Chief Information Officer for the Old Mutual Wealth team in Southampton. In more recent years back home in South Africa he has worked as an independent consultant on various assignments and maintains a strong interest in OMSMAF.

Given his considerable experience as a medical scheme trustee, Garth has particular knowledge and understanding of the Fund and its members. He also has a strong industry background that lends itself well to providing valuable input as a Trustee, including financial services IT and business operations as well as medical scheme and health services business experience, among other areas of expertise.
Garth lives in Cape Town with his wife Linda and enjoys local mountain biking as well as bike touring, keeping fit, and international travel in his free time. He is a community-minded individual and has also served as Chairman and Trustee on the Board of the homeowners association where he resides.
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