Alice Oosthuizen

If your idea of a great medical scheme trustee is an active, family-oriented individual with a deep understanding of the role that a medical scheme plays in the life of its members, you have got it all in Alice Oosthuizen.

As a qualified actuary and an actuarial manager on the Mass and Foundation Cluster Actuarial Finance team, Alice brings a high level of financial understanding to the table – an all-important skill when it comes to keeping tabs on the management of your precious medical scheme funds. In fact, Alice notes that when completing her postgraduate diploma in financial planning during her student days, she came to appreciate the invaluable role of medical scheme membership for individuals who wish to safeguard themselves and their loved ones from the financial implications of a catastrophic health event. This understanding of the potential for hefty medical costs to result in financial distress or an inability to access much-needed treatment has stayed with Alice ever since and has inspired her to contribute to the sound governance of her medical scheme and that of her fellow Mutualites.

As such, she is passionate about ensuring the sustainability of OMSMAF and providing the best possible value at the lowest possible cost by:


  • Strictly monitoring and reviewing all aspects related to the provision of funding services and their associated costs, risks and member experiences.
  • Exploring and piloting new and innovative offerings.
  • Ensuring that members are not only informed about their benefits and options but also matters affecting their health and wellbeing, thereby enabling members to live their best lives.

When she is not working hard at her desk, Alice enjoys spending time with her husband Rudi and their two little ones – Daniel, who is four years old and Annemie, who will be celebrating her first birthday in a few months.

 As a born and bred Capetonian, Alice loves the outdoors and enjoys running, cycling and sea swimming – a skill she taught herself to be able to accomplish her first Ironman half-marathon ten years ago. Before the pandemic and the birth of her second child, Alice and Rudi cycled the annual Cape Town cycle tour for the Red Cross Children’s Hospital. She loves travelling, reading, baking and gardening whenever there is a spare moment – of which there are not many, as you can imagine!

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