Welcome to OMSMAF

You’ll find everything you need to make
the most of your Old Mutual Staff
Medical Aid Fund (OMSMAF) membership
and its benefits, right here!



Annual Roadshow


Network Look Up


Frequently Asked


Start here

This is where your OMSMAF journey begins!

We’re all about making your life easier.
So, whether you’re a new member who still needs to sign up or you’re already a member, we’ll take you along the right path to find exactly what you need.

New Member

Let’s get you signed up

So you want to join the Old Mutual Staff Medical
Aid Fund? We’ve made it super simple for you.

Existing Member

Manage your account

Want to make changes to your membership? You can
take control of your account and your details in a click!

The new member app for OMSMAF members is live!

Welcome to the online consultation room

Your doctor is just a click away

uConsult™ is a revolutionary virtual consultation platform that’s accessible to any patient and healthcare provider with a smart device and internet connection. Find out more by using the link below.

Our Plans

Hospital Plan

A cost-effective solution
with essential in-hospital
cover and basic chronic,
wellness and supplementary benefits.

Network Plan

Get essential in-hospital
cover, basic chronic,
wellness and supplementary benefits, as well as basic
day-to-day benefits.

Savings Plan

Get unlimited in-hospital
cover, basic chronic,
wellness, supplementary
with day-to-day benefits
linked to your personal
medical savings account.

Traditional Plan

Get fully comprehensive, unlimited in-hospital cover, comprehensive chronic and supplementary benefits, enhanced wellness benefits
and comprehensive
day-to-day benefits.

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