Healthy Recipe Corner

Mint, cranberry and lime cooler

Recipe by Riyaaz West

There’s nothing quite like a South African summer – beautiful sunny weather, plenty of time spent outdoors and laid-back weekends. While you are soaking up the summer sun, don’t forget to stay hydrated because wow, it’s hot out there! Here’s a quick and deliciously refreshing recipe for a light, healthy summer cooler that you can mix up in no time at all.

Mix the following ingredients in a large jug:

  • 1 cup cooled peppermint tea
  • 1 cup cranberry juice
  • ½ cup apple juice
  • Juice of 1/2 lime or substitute 2 tots of lime cordial instead of the lime juice
  • Top up with sparkling water until ¾ full

Finish with ice

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