From the desk of the P.O

With just three months left before we wind down to the end of 2023, the time has come for me to say goodbye to OMSMAF as I prepare to embark on a new chapter. It has been an honour to serve you and your loved ones these past few years, and I have wholeheartedly appreciated playing my part in this vibrant and enduring Old Mutual community. 

I wish to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues and the members of our Board of Trustees for their unwavering dedication in putting the healthcare needs of our members first and for ensuring the continued provision of benefits that add unmatched value to the lives of Old Mutual employees, particularly in times like these.

In this, my last issue as the Principal Officer of OMSMAF

We delve into some important seasonal healthcare topics to help you manage hay fever – which is so prevalent in spring, take care of your skin and that of your loved ones during the summer months and we share some kitchen inspiration for a delicious, fresh recipe that will save you from even having to think of switching on the oven or the stove. We’ll also be clarifying some valuable benefit information to help you make the most of the excellent healthcare benefits available to you, among some other positive OMSMAF announcements.

That’s it from me – thank you for continuing to place your trust in OMSMAF, and I wish you and your loved ones all the very best for the future.

 Happy reading – over and out!

 Best wishes,


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