Shining a light on HIV: Know your status, know your benefits

In the rhythm of our lives, World AIDS Day arrives once a year, yet its resonance echoes continuously. At OMSMAF, we stand united with those impacted by HIV worldwide, weaving a tapestry of hope into every conversation. Now is the time to empower communities so we can together lead the way towards a world free from the grip of AIDS.

Embracing hope: Uniting communities to end AIDS

Communities living with, at risk of, or affected by HIV stand as the vanguards of progress in the fight against the virus. They bridge connections to person-centred public health services, cultivate trust, drive innovation, monitor policy implementation and hold providers accountable. Together, we can forge a path toward a future without the shadow of HIV.


OMSMAF’s commitment

In our unwavering commitment to this cause, OMSMAF has instituted a dedicated benefit for HIV/AIDS-related medicines and tests, which cover crucial medications to suppress the virus and protect against illnesses like TB and severe pneumonia while facilitating regular monitoring tests. Additionally, each beneficiary is entitled to one HIV test annually.

Navigating a positive outlook

Let’s dispel a myth: HIV is not a death sentence. Taking charge of your condition opens doors to a vibrant and fulfilling life. OMSMAF is your steadfast companion on this journey – we are there to provide you with support and assistance every step of the way.

Empowerment through awareness

As we head into 2024, let’s wield the power of knowledge, shatter the stigma and applaud the enduring resilience of those navigating this journey. Rest assured, OMSMAF remains dedicated to fostering a supportive environment and equipping you with the resources to lead a healthy and fulfilling life.

Know your status, embrace your benefits and let hope shine bright

A positive outlook begins with knowing your status. If a test reveals you are HIV positive, OMSMAF’s HIV/AIDS Management Programme is here for you. Reach out to us confidentially on 0860 378 800, follow the prompts for HIV Disease Management, and request an application form. Your doctor can also contact the programme to obtain advice and support.

 This World AIDS Day, let hope shine bright as we unite, educate, and empower. Together, we can end AIDS.

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