RECIPE Vegetable Lasagne Serves 6  Up your meat-free, batch-cooking game ahead of Autumn with this highly rated, delicious vegetarian lasagne recipe from BBC Good Food that includes the steps for the tomato sauce and the white sauce, both of which can be frozen. Or,...

SAY WHAAAAT? Your Body is a Raceway Whether you are an F1 fan or not, you can’t deny that the speed at which information travels through your body is next level. At a whooshing 400 km per hour, messages to and from your brain travel along the network of nerves around...

WANT TO ACCESS YOUR BONE DENSITY BENEFIT? Know Where To Go As a member of OMSMAF, your wellness benefits include one bone density scan per beneficiary per annum. This is particularly beneficial for those beneficiaries who may be at risk of developing osteoporosis – a...

IT’S A MATTER OF TRUST The Who, The What and Why of Your BOT Have you ever considered that OMSMAF belongs to you and your fellow members? Given how meaningful your healthcare cover is for you and your family, good governance is no small thing, and we want to...

COLIC GOT YOU UP AT 3AM… Who Do I Call? PAED-IQ’s Babyline – This is a 24/7 paediatric telephonic service available to all OMSMAF parents or caregivers of children from birth to 3 years of age that are registered on the Fund. You can phone in and get...

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