HAVE YOUR SAY HELP MAKE OMSMAF EVEN BETTER WITH FEEDBACK SURVEYS We know that when you have completed a conversation with one of our contact centre agents, you want to tick it off your to-do list and move on to the next thing – but please do take just a couple of...

RECIPE CORNER HOMEMADE SODA BREAD AND CUMIN SCENTED CARROT SOUP Paul Hollywood’s soda bread* If you’re a fan of freshly made bread with a bowl of hearty winter soup then you will love this recipe for traditional Irish soda bread from Paul Hollywood. This recipe is...

SPOTLIGHT ON MEASLES VACCINATION DON’T SKIP ROUTINE CHILDHOOD VACCINES If you have not already heard, South Africa is seeing an increase in measles cases in 2023 due to the slowdown in the country’s immunisation programme following the Covid-19 pandemic. OMSMAF...

KNOW THE DIFFERENCE ER VISITS ARE NOT HOSPITAL ADMISSIONS As much as you try to avoid accidents, you never know when you might need to visit the emergency room (ER). You can however prepare yourself with knowledge about the difference between benefits. Firstly, it is...

THE PASSING OF THE BATON Chairman’s message As you will have read in Julia’s message, her time with OMSMAF is now drawing to a close. While we are sad to see her go, we are thankful to have had her at the helm of OMSMAF these past 2 years, where she has led our...

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